New York Cannabis Licensing: Insights from OCM Meeting & Equity Focus


Jan 26, 2024

By Steve Mendez

Gain insights from New York's OCM meeting on cannabis licensing, highlighting application surges, equity focus, and Blue Skies Unlimited's support.


The cannabis industry in New York is buzzing with activity and potential, especially following the recent Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) meeting on January 16, 2024. As stakeholders and aspiring business owners navigate this evolving landscape, understanding the latest developments and strategic insights becomes crucial. Let's delve into the major points from this pivotal meeting and explore how they shape the future of cannabis businesses in New York.

Key Points from the OCM Meeting:

  1. A Surge in Applications

The OCM meeting revealed an impressive number of over 7,000 applications, underscoring the burgeoning interest in New York's cannabis market. This high volume of applications, encompassing cultivators, processors, microbusinesses, distributors, and retail dispensaries, paints a picture of a diverse and dynamic industry that is ready to quench the demand of New York's inhabitants.

  1. Emphasis on Equity

The meeting highlighted a strong emphasis on social and economic equity in the licensing process. A substantial number of applications came from diverse backgrounds, underscoring New York's commitment to inclusivity. Blue Skies Unlimited LLC supports these social equity applications at reduced rates, aiding in leveling the playing field.

  1. Licenses on the Horizon

The review process for applications has begun, with the first batch of licenses expected to be issued shortly. This sets the stage for a transformative phase in the market, as businesses gear up to make their mark.

  1. Type 3 Processor License: A Game-Changer

The reopening of the Type 3 Processor License application is significant. Unlike other licenses with fixed application periods, this license type accepts applications on a rolling basis, offering greater flexibility and ongoing opportunities for brands to expand their operations in New York State.

  1. Transitioning to Full Licenses

The meeting also shed light on the separate review process for Conditional Cultivators and Processors transitioning to full licenses, indicating a structured approach to market maturity.

  1. Focused Approach to Application Deficiencies and Timelines

In the New York Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) meeting, critical attention was given to the process of addressing application deficiencies and the timelines involved. Key elements include:

  1. 30-Day Cure Period: A central focus was on the 30-day period provided for applicants to address any deficiencies in their applications. This timeframe is crucial for rectifying issues and ensuring continued eligibility for licensing.

  2. Systematic Queue Processing with Randomized Selection: In a significant move to ensure fairness and transparency, the OCM collaborated with the Department of Gaming to develop a randomized system for organizing the review queue of applications. This process involved using a lottery drawing as a seed number for a randomized number generator, which then sequenced all the applications received. This approach ensures that the review and issuance of licenses are not influenced by merit-based criteria but are instead handled impartially, maintaining the integrity of the licensing process.

  3. True Parties of Interest (TPIS) Amendments: Discussions also covered the importance of correctly managing TPIS amendments. The OCM will closely scrutinize these changes to ensure compliance with the market's regulations and structure.

Along with these points, the OCM stressed the importance of distinguishing between major and minor errors in applications. Major errors, such as lacking necessary documentation like a lease or deed, could be non-curable and lead to application disqualification. Conversely, minor errors are generally fixable within the 30-day period. Additionally, applicants are urged to be proactive in responding to communications from the OCM regarding deficiencies to prevent delays in the licensing process.

  1. Future Licensing Rounds: Opportunity Awaits

The OCM meeting confirmed ongoing licensing rounds, offering further opportunities for new participants in New York's cannabis market. This continuous process demonstrates the market's expansion and highlights the importance of preparedness for upcoming opportunities. Keeping informed and strategically ready is crucial in this evolving landscape.

For businesses navigating the complexities of these licensing rounds, Blue Skies Unlimited LLC provides specialized support to ensure accuracy and compliance in application submissions. Our services can significantly enhance your chances of successful participation in future licensing rounds. Interested in expert guidance for the next round? Partner with Blue Skies Unlimited LLC.


As the New York cannabis industry continues to evolve rapidly, staying informed and strategically prepared is more vital than ever. The recent OCM meeting not only highlighted the enthusiastic participation in the market but also underscored the importance of a thorough and strategic approach to the licensing process. With the ongoing developments, especially in areas like the Processor Type 3 Brand License, the landscape is ripe with opportunities for both new entrants and existing players.

At Blue Skies Unlimited LLC, we specialize in helping you navigate these waters with confidence and clarity. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the insights, guidance, and support needed to successfully secure your place in this dynamic market. Whether you're seeking a new license, transitioning to a full license, or capitalizing on the rolling application process for Processor Type 3 Brand Licenses, we have the expertise to steer you towards success.

Embark on your journey in the cannabis industry with a partner who understands the terrain. Contact us today for comprehensive consulting services that are tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Let's work together to turn your cannabis business vision into a thriving reality.


The cannabis industry in New York is buzzing with activity and potential, especially following the recent Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) meeting on January 16, 2024. As stakeholders and aspiring business owners navigate this evolving landscape, understanding the latest developments and strategic insights becomes crucial. Let's delve into the major points from this pivotal meeting and explore how they shape the future of cannabis businesses in New York.

Key Points from the OCM Meeting:

  1. A Surge in Applications

The OCM meeting revealed an impressive number of over 7,000 applications, underscoring the burgeoning interest in New York's cannabis market. This high volume of applications, encompassing cultivators, processors, microbusinesses, distributors, and retail dispensaries, paints a picture of a diverse and dynamic industry that is ready to quench the demand of New York's inhabitants.

  1. Emphasis on Equity

The meeting highlighted a strong emphasis on social and economic equity in the licensing process. A substantial number of applications came from diverse backgrounds, underscoring New York's commitment to inclusivity. Blue Skies Unlimited LLC supports these social equity applications at reduced rates, aiding in leveling the playing field.

  1. Licenses on the Horizon

The review process for applications has begun, with the first batch of licenses expected to be issued shortly. This sets the stage for a transformative phase in the market, as businesses gear up to make their mark.

  1. Type 3 Processor License: A Game-Changer

The reopening of the Type 3 Processor License application is significant. Unlike other licenses with fixed application periods, this license type accepts applications on a rolling basis, offering greater flexibility and ongoing opportunities for brands to expand their operations in New York State.

  1. Transitioning to Full Licenses

The meeting also shed light on the separate review process for Conditional Cultivators and Processors transitioning to full licenses, indicating a structured approach to market maturity.

  1. Focused Approach to Application Deficiencies and Timelines

In the New York Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) meeting, critical attention was given to the process of addressing application deficiencies and the timelines involved. Key elements include:

  1. 30-Day Cure Period: A central focus was on the 30-day period provided for applicants to address any deficiencies in their applications. This timeframe is crucial for rectifying issues and ensuring continued eligibility for licensing.

  2. Systematic Queue Processing with Randomized Selection: In a significant move to ensure fairness and transparency, the OCM collaborated with the Department of Gaming to develop a randomized system for organizing the review queue of applications. This process involved using a lottery drawing as a seed number for a randomized number generator, which then sequenced all the applications received. This approach ensures that the review and issuance of licenses are not influenced by merit-based criteria but are instead handled impartially, maintaining the integrity of the licensing process.

  3. True Parties of Interest (TPIS) Amendments: Discussions also covered the importance of correctly managing TPIS amendments. The OCM will closely scrutinize these changes to ensure compliance with the market's regulations and structure.

Along with these points, the OCM stressed the importance of distinguishing between major and minor errors in applications. Major errors, such as lacking necessary documentation like a lease or deed, could be non-curable and lead to application disqualification. Conversely, minor errors are generally fixable within the 30-day period. Additionally, applicants are urged to be proactive in responding to communications from the OCM regarding deficiencies to prevent delays in the licensing process.

  1. Future Licensing Rounds: Opportunity Awaits

The OCM meeting confirmed ongoing licensing rounds, offering further opportunities for new participants in New York's cannabis market. This continuous process demonstrates the market's expansion and highlights the importance of preparedness for upcoming opportunities. Keeping informed and strategically ready is crucial in this evolving landscape.

For businesses navigating the complexities of these licensing rounds, Blue Skies Unlimited LLC provides specialized support to ensure accuracy and compliance in application submissions. Our services can significantly enhance your chances of successful participation in future licensing rounds. Interested in expert guidance for the next round? Partner with Blue Skies Unlimited LLC.


As the New York cannabis industry continues to evolve rapidly, staying informed and strategically prepared is more vital than ever. The recent OCM meeting not only highlighted the enthusiastic participation in the market but also underscored the importance of a thorough and strategic approach to the licensing process. With the ongoing developments, especially in areas like the Processor Type 3 Brand License, the landscape is ripe with opportunities for both new entrants and existing players.

At Blue Skies Unlimited LLC, we specialize in helping you navigate these waters with confidence and clarity. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the insights, guidance, and support needed to successfully secure your place in this dynamic market. Whether you're seeking a new license, transitioning to a full license, or capitalizing on the rolling application process for Processor Type 3 Brand Licenses, we have the expertise to steer you towards success.

Embark on your journey in the cannabis industry with a partner who understands the terrain. Contact us today for comprehensive consulting services that are tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Let's work together to turn your cannabis business vision into a thriving reality.

Take the next step in growing your cannabis business

Take the next step in growing your cannabis business

Take the next step in growing your cannabis business

Schedule a FREE consultation with Blue Skies Unlimited LLC today and unlock your potential!